Atlantic Microwave's products are supported by the following services:
Customer Service. A personal approach is applied to every product enquiry.
Technical Support. Our knowledgeable sales and engineering teams can offer advice and support.
Same-day dispatch on orders received before 3 pm GMT, where there is stock availability.
Delivery Dates
We make all reasonable efforts to meet the agreed delivery dates.
Freight Charges
Shipping costs will be calculated at the checkout for online orders and added to the total cost of the order, alternatively you may specify your own courier.
For offline quotes shipping costs will be added to the quote; customers may alternatively provide their own courier details.
International Taxes and Duties
The Customer is responsible for payment of all international taxes and duties.
Payment Terms
Approved accounts: Within 30 days of date of invoice, via BACS or cheque. Our bank details will be provided on request.
Non-approved accounts and Online purchases
Payment is due before delivery of goods, via BACS, cheque, or credit / debit card (Visa, Mastercard and American Express all accepted).
Excellent customer service is paramount, with a personal approach being applied to every product enquiry and sale.
Technical support is available around the world through our UK head office and all of our carefully selected and technically competent sales offices and distributors.
We are willing to consider entering into long term supply agreements with our customers and provide a stocking scheme tailored to their production needs.
Much of our standard component offering can be delivered from stock in the DC to 50 GHz frequency range with same-day dispatch available.